Monday, October 10, 2011


1 litre of Tears

"1 Litre of Tears" is a にほんのドラマ based on the true story about a 15 year old girl dealing with a degenerative disease of the cerebellum (the part of the brain that deals with motor coordination). She starts out as a varsity athlete, but soon she cannot coordinate herself, she cannot walk properly, until she eventually cannot control her breathing. However, her mind stays in tact.

Since we learned dates, one of the songs on the soundtrack of "1 Litre of Tears" is Remioromen's "さんがつここのか". Can you figure out the title?

In this particular scene where the song is played, the girl, あや, informs the boy she has fallen in love with, あそうくん, that it hurts being with him because it only reminds her of her inevitable decay. You can watch the entire drama for free on I really recommend it. かなしいですけど、 it makes you remember how beautiful life is and what in life really matters. Here is the song.


  1. This is also one of my favorite Japanese dramas! And i like the other song 粉雪 too! わたしもにほんごをべんきょします。いまPrincetonだいがくのだいがいくいんせいです。初めまして。Monica です。どうぞよろしく。

  2. I've never seen この drama before が、OMG WHAT IS THIS I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE IT. Why is it so sad? どうして!?いまわたしはたくさん feelings があります。Too many. I am full of feelings for this show already and まだみませんでした、よ!It's official: I have to watch it.

  3. ニーシャさん、
